Learn simple, tried and true watercolour techniques!


Simple and Fun

Get inspired and start creating. Explore and develop your own style through painting with me!

This course contains almost 60 mins of information and instruction in simple and digestible segments.

At the end of this class you would have created an entire piece just like the one above- a beautiful piece of art filled with a variety of loose style watercolour roses and foliage.

Learn Together

Whether you are doing this as a hobby or to build your business, I want you to walk away feeling confident in yourself and allow you to discover your inner creativity.

Simple, tried & True

Tried and true techniques that I personally use to create my roses and leaves for my own fabric designs.


Great for beginners with no prior background or knowledge in watercolour.


There is no time limit or constraints so you can follow along at your own pace.

Sign up NOW!

You will get instant access to all my content in the course immediately.

Course Content:

  • Introduction & welcome

Basic supplies

Practicing lines, curves and strokes

Painting roses in different views while exploring colour mixing

Learning simple tips & techniques to creating foliage


What are you waiting for? Let's get painting together!


Sharon Gunawan


Sharon is a Malaysian-born, self-taught artist, designer and small business owner based in Alberta, Canada. She picked up a brush just over 5 years ago and hasn't looked back since!